Good morning survivors, it’s launch day!
This morning our newest huge, free update for State of Decay 2 arrives with two new terrifying difficulty levels, Dread Zones and Nightmare Zones. Move your community to a map of your choice to test how well you’ve honed your survival skills against a faster-acting blood plague, blood plague-infected juggernauts, bigger and more dangerous hordes, and more!
You can read more about the update here, but right now we want to tell you about the amazing giveaway we have for you.
Beginning today, March 26th at 9am PDT, until 11:59pm April 2nd PDT, you have a chance to win FIVE content-rich packs, featuring exclusive vehicles, weapons, and survival consumables, not available anywhere else. Here’s what you’ll get:
The SHTF Pack contains:
Melee Weapon – Zedpiercer (Blunt): Once a mere firefighting tool, this nasty weapon has found new life with a single purpose: Kill all zombies.
Vehicle – Brogan Rapscallion (Pizza Cat paint job): A hatchback with a custom paint job.
- Materials – Rucksack of materials. Used for building up and maintaining your base.
- Ammo – Rucksack of ammo. Used for defending your base.
- Skill Book: Computers – Teaches one of your Survivors the basic Computers skill. Requires an empty skill slot.
- Facility Mod: Game Console – A first-gen XBOX with a couple of controllers and some game disks. Install in a Lounge facility to gain the ability to boost morale significantly. REQUIRES POWER
- 2x 7-slot Backpack
- 3x Energy Drinks – Maximum-strength energy beverage. Drastically boosts Stamina recovery for a short time.
- 6x Improvised Explosives – Fill a can with gunpowder, add a short fuse, and this is what you get. Toss it and keep your distance.
Survivor’s Pack
The Survivor’s Pack contains:
Melee Weapon – Zed-Swatter (Blunt): No, seriously, it says it right there on the head: SWAT.
Vehicle – Vagabond (Gambler paint job): A 4-wheeler with a custom paint job.
- Materials – Rucksack of materials. Used for building up and maintaining your base.
- Meds – Rucksack of meds. Used to keep your Survivors healthy.
- Skill Book: Medicine – Teaches one of your Survivors the basic Medicine skill. Requires an empty skill slot.
- Facility Mod: Pill Press – A traditional pill-making device, used by compounding pharmacies. Install this mod in an Infirmary to reduce the cost of crafting painkillers.
- 2x 7-slot Backpack
- 2x First Aid Kit – Restores up to 50 max Health lost to trauma or injuries (from a max of 3 injuries). Kind of heavy.
- 3x Potent Painkillers – Restores a lot of Health immediately.
Survival Pack
The Survival Pack contains
Melee Weapon – Skullsplitter (Blade): This devastating broadsword bears a simple Latin inscription that all would-be zombie slayers should remember: Semper Sursum (Always Aim High).
Vehicle – Miragra (Flaming Demon Skull paint job): A modern sedan with a custom paint job.
- Materials – Rucksack of materials. Used for building up and maintaining your base.
- Food – Rucksack of food. Used for feeding your Survivors.
- Skill Book: Utilities – Teaches one of your Survivors the basic Utilities skill. Requires an empty skill slot.
- Facility Mod: Mini Fridge – Though it may once have only stored cheap beer, now this handy appliance can store meds or food when installed. Works even better with power.
- 2x 7-slot Backpack
- 3x Energy Drinks – Maximum-strength energy beverage. Drastically boosts Stamina recovery for a short time.
- 6x C4 – A remotely detonated explosive charge. Don’t be anywhere nearby when this goes off.
Prepper’s Pack
The Prepper’s Pack contains:
Melee Weapon – Grasscutter: It may not be an immortal blade from ancient history, but it sure slices through zombies as if it were.
Vehicle – Rhames V (Tiger Claw paint job): A modern truck with a custom paint job.
- Materials – Rucksack of materials. Used for building up and maintaining your base.
- Food – Rucksack of food. Used for feeding your Survivors.
- Skill Book: Gardening – Teaches one of your Survivors the basic Gardening skill. Requires an empty skill slot.
- Facility Mod: Garden Tools – An array of pro-grade cultivation tools. Install this mod in a Garden or Farm to increase our yield.
- 2x 7-slot Backpack
- 25x Boxes of Seeds – Used for upgrading gardens and farms, as well as for boosting their yields.
- 6x Molotovs – This improvised incendiary bursts on contact, creating a moderate-sized area of burning death.
Apocalyptic Pack
The Apocalyptic Pack contains:
Melee Weapon – Titan Bat: If the gods came down to Earth to fight zombies, this is what they’d use.
Vehicle – Pilato (Kraken paint job): An SUV with a custom paint job.
- 2x Materials – 2 rucksacks of materials. Used for building up and maintaining your base.
- Skill Book: Craftsmanship – Teaches one of your Survivors the basic Craftsmanship skill. Requires an empty skill slot.
- Facility Mod: Power Tools – High-quality tools, equally suited to a hobbyist’s garage or a job site.
- Install this mod in a Workshop to drastically speed facility actions. REQUIRES POWER
- 2x 7-slot Backpack
- 3x Grenades – Good for one large, shrapnel-rich “boom” at a suitable distance from user.
- 6x Molotovs – This improvised incendiary bursts on contact, creating a moderate-sized area of burning death.
How Do I Win?
Watch all of the great State of Decay 2 streaming gameplay at the official Undead Labs Mixer page! You must be logged in to your Mixer account. Watch anytime, any stream, between now and April 2 at 11:59pm PST for a chance to win! You can watch on any web browser, from your Xbox One, or via the Mixer app on your mobile device. Remember to be signed in for it to count!
How Do I Know if I’ve Won?
You’ll be contacted between April 2 and April 4. Make sure to check your account between these dates!
How Do I Redeem Them?
- If you’re randomly picked as a winner, follow the instructions you’ll receive in your Xbox Live Message.
- Winners will be notified between April 2 and April 4
- Open your game and use the radio command (arrow down on the D-pad) to redeem your loot!
- Please note that if you’re running the game when you redeem the code on the store, the entitlement won’t show up until you restart the game
Got more questions? Jump over to the MixPot FAQ!
Read the Terms and Conditions now of this giveaway.